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Network Administration


Telco Research Corp.

Telco Research's TRU Server(TM) System is a comprehensive telemanagementsystem to address the daily operations and recurring problems of abusiness telecommunications office.Designed to assist the needs of cost-conscious telecommunicationsprofessional, the system provides functions for accounting for expenses,decision making tools for planning expenitures, tools for owrk ordergeneration and backing tools for maintining inventories, tools foroptimizing employee productivity, and tools to monitor and reporttelephone abuse. Specific capalitites include data collection, usage andnon-usage cost allocation, tollfraud, traffic statistics, work ordergeneration, inventory management, cable management, and problem tracking.

Language: C, INGRES Windows 4GL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: MS-DOS, TELCO Research Recording Software, INGRES RDBMS
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3

Telco Research Corp.
616 Marriott Dr
Nashville, TN 37214
Phone: (615) 872-9000
        (800) 48 TELCO
Fax: (615) 231-6144